Monday, December 15, 2008

a girl called zsuzsa banjo

and i pushed and i pushed and i pushed. and there she was, after something ridiculous like 23 hours of earthquakes. pink and bloody and screaming screaming screaming. a first breath like a cyclone. benoit half collapsed beside us, as they passed you through my legs and up into my arms.

a small girl. 7.3 pounds (3.3 kgs). with a hungarian name that's pronounced differently from the way it's spelt (the zs is a soft j like the one in je m'appelle).

a blue eyed thing with big feet.

we planted five eucalyptus caesias on top of her placenta. "silver princesses" they're known as. and now she sleeps and feeds and occasionally cries. and we learn that sweetness and fatigue which is parenthood. and so we sleep and feed and occasionally cry. and then there's a new day. a new day for the three of us, for benoit, paje and zsuzsa.


Anonymous said...

C'est toujours nous!

Peut on savoir le date de naissance de Zsuzsa Banjo?

Martine et Pascal from Brigné

Anonymous said...

Tous nos vœux de bonheur pour toute la famille.
Content de voir les photos de se petit bébé. Nous sommes tout les trois malades, ce qui nous donne du temps pour aller sur votre blog.
Patrick et colette vont partir en voyage dans les Iles Canaries avec des amis en feront le tour des iles en voilier. Le mal de mer attends surement notre terrien.
Bisous à tout les trois.
Notre e-mail:

Patrick, Colette et Laure