Wednesday, July 1, 2009

so we're bulding it after all

we're getting the rain at last. and finding the time to saw and drill and hammer the wood into place. to give food for the termites. to give us another room at last. it's all a bit small now with zsuzsa growing up. the dam is filling. we're even thinking about pumping up water again. we're amazed at how little we've been using. the 5000 litre tank is still one third full from filling it in april. the place is greening up. the wattles all in bud waiting to open again. a year has passed since the yellow painted these hills. zsuzsa's some ridiculous age now, seven months, a real lady. sitting up on her own but not yet a crawler. she's giving us time to clean up all the nails.
life goes on. goes well.

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