Wednesday, April 27, 2011

yabbies, belly, momu, granma and granpa

party at our place. with grandma, grandpa, momu, pops, fi and jan. and perfect weather. a harvest of giant yabbies from the dam thanks to jan. and a very very excited daughter after eating too much chocolate. this is the kind of easter we love.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

buns, eggs, fungi and fog

easter arrives and benoit makes a million hot cross buns. the weather is sometimes perfect autumn and sometimes early winter. but we're warm inside with the fire on. and our new skylights which bring in any sun to the couch so we can bathe in the warmth and read books to zsuzsa. my belly grows. three months to go. and benoit's learning about the wild mushrooms around so we'll have more to harvest soon. all is well. and most importantly, sarah and nic have a new baby called otto alexander. a most perfect little boy born on the 19th of april. we we're happy aunties and uncles.